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Picpac and Ticolo

For all Mauritians, wherever you are.


To understand, you should know Mauritian Creole.

Picpac and Ticolo, talking English in Creole, this'll gonna be funny.


Conversation of Two Mauritian youngsters - Picpac & Ticolo

Ready, sit back and relax... This is going to be

husband comic

Picpac: Allo qui maniere, Ticolo? Tou correk?

Ticolo: My English professor has asked me to speak

English only; Let us speak English. This will improve my English knowledge.

Picpac: OK, what are you called?

Ticolo:Ticolo; and you?

Picpac: Picpac.

Ticolo: Where do you rest?

Picpac: At Four Coconut. And you?

Ticolo: At Red Earth near a halfbig shop.

Picpac: It is husband hot in this stadium.

Ticolo: You have reason. I am transpirating! How are you doing at school?

Are you breaking the packet?

Picpac: Yes, my father told me if I fail, my saucepan

will be hot.

Ticolo: I gain thirsty. Have you something to drink?

Picpac: Yes, I have some dead water. Do you want


Ticolo: Yes. Thank you. If you gain hungry, I have got

fried apple of the


Picpac: No. Thank you. I have bought some dholl

rotten with curry big weight.

Ticolo: Are you taking part in the sports?

Picpac: No. I am blessed in the foot.

Ticolo: What have you got?

Picpac: The baby of curry rock fell on it.

Ticolo: Do you hurt much?

Picpac: Of course! I saw lightnings.

(Suddenly there was a commotion in the centre of the

field and many pupils had assembled)

Ticolo: Stay here. I am going to see what arrived

(A few minutes later, he returns and announces):

A boy fell down without knowledge. The professor

says it is because of the sun. He is called zoreille.

Do you know him?

Picpac: Yes, but he is not my army. He is a coconut eater. It is not easy with him.

Ticolo: Look at the small boy. He wants to run with a big. He will not be capable.

Picpac: I know him. He runs quickly. Small knife cut big pumpkin. His sister is a beautiful thirty-five. I am trying to put her in a circle, but I have no money.

I am waiting for my condemned box to fill.

Now my hand is under rock.

Ticolo: We must marry picker. I give you money.

Picpac: Don't tell her brother. If he knows, he will untie our race.

He is a small chilli.

Ticolo: Are you to rest here a long time?

Picpac: No. If I felt an occasion, I am going to break

the pause at Rose-Hill.

(He stood up and inadvertently crushed his friend's foot)

Ticolo: Eh, you monkey, you are blessing me again.

You cannot make attention.

Picpac: Sorry, my black.

(Unfortunately, the conversation ended here....).




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