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Forum Spam Policy and TAC


Welcome to Pascalap forums. We have done our most to prevent spamming in Pascalap forums, if you are not a spammer, this may be an inconvinience for you and we appologise for this.

Pascalap antispamming features are:

Posters have to wait for about ten seconds before posting again. New members have to copy a graphical code exactly before registration, they also have to provide a valid email address or else, they cannot get registered. After filling the form, you are around 90% registered. You will have to check your mail. An email from Pascalap forums will contain a link, click on it to finish the registration. There are many badword filters which exist on this forum, those words will be transformed in my words. No members are able to upload files exept for one forum.

Our terms are that any poster who, despite our efforts, flood the forums, upload large files in the permitted forum, insult, write scripts or spam another member's email willl be banned. When a member is banned, he cannot post or reply again and in most forums, cannot even read topics. Also, he cannot register again as we have many ways to prevent it.

Please do not register to our forums if you cannot respect our laws.



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I do not agree to the terms and conditions, I will not register to that forum, bring me back to the homepage.

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