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Welcome to Pascalap(Limitations of service)

Using Pascalap in all legibility means that you cannot: Copy, reproduce, distribute any content on this site. The logos, slogans, brands are the properties of their respective owners.

The Pascalap logos, so much more slogans, pascalap page logos are the property of website. You cannot use any of these even for your own purpose.

All backgrounds are free to distribute, copy... but not sell. The rights managed backgrounds have been licenced to us only to be redistributed for free. You do not have the right to remove the copyright signs anywhere in these pictures.

You do not have the right to use or even copy any of the stylesheets, and page layouts created for this website. If this is found on another website, you will be procecuted.

If you are a Pascalap forums member, Pascalap provide a different TERMS AND CONDITIONS for you.

Description of service

Pascalap provides its users with access to a large collection of resources, including forums, free pictures, free backgrounds and free greetings, plus free jokes. You also understand and agree that the Service may include advertisements and that these advertisements are necessary for Pascalap to provide the Services. These advertisements are also to give popularity to Pascalap. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, any new features that augment or enhance the current Service, including the release of new Pascalap features, shall be subject to the TAC. TAC does not apply to pascalap forums, as it has its own TAC.


If you do not agree to those terms, we recommend that you should not use Pascalap. We reserve the right to change this TAC anytimes


Terms and conditions released on the 10, december 2002.