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Windows ME tips: Exploring a compressed folder as fast as a normal folder
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One of the best Millenium Edition Features is the compressed folder. When you use a conventional zip program, you will always have to wait for several minutes for the program to 'unzip' the file that you want to open. The Millenium Edition of Windows has the solution for it with its Compressed Folder, folders which can manage your zipped files as any zip application would do, and unzip the file at a stunning fast speed, as you would do in any folders in Windows Explorer.

By default, this Windows Feature is not installed and you will have to activate it from the add/remove programs in the Control Panel.

Check(tick) Compressed Folders and click on OK. Windows will install the program and update its settings and may or may not ask you to reboot your machine. Do it.

After having installed it, all your compressed folders will have the same (zipfolder) icon. You will be able to browse in them as fast as in a normal folder.